The stars were aligned as we watched from the floor Dismantle the coffin to build your front door And your Russian roulette tongue that spits silver ash Keeping my, keeping my heart behind bulletproof glass A compass, a map and I'm setting the course Screaming in salt water swirls 'til I'm hoarse And maybe the ship's not as sturdy as most It's ridden with termites, but we still got close To the destinations laid out in small tacks Pinned up in the map and I couldn't relax And my neck stretched too far with my face in the clouds Begging for, Begging for someone to saw me back down The sawdust they made from the splinters they found They're soaking up leaks that no one would have found in the foundation, weak, leaking more as I slept Just give me a chance and I'll try to forget I'll try to forget The foundation's weak, leaking more as I sleep