We're decoding secret files We are puzzled - mystified Will we unlock the key of life The lost password God devised? The last password God disguised? Hidden Eden be revealed Enigma be unveiled Its encryption still escapes our skill Feels like hacking on Heaven's core Feel the starry sky above How far is Shangri-La How far the Morning Star When we cracked the code last night I was stone cold petrified Could it be four simple bytes The lost password God devised? The last password God disguised? Eternity is revealed Infinity authorised Its essence still escapes our will Feels like hacking on Heaven's core Feel the starry sky above How far is Shangri-La How far the Morning Star Feels like hacking on Heaven's core Feel the starry sky above How far is Shangri-La How far the Morning Star Dial the password - Upload I press Enter Execute System warning: Fatal flaw