Where the morning mist she rises up Like smoke from the valley side Tom is creeping over cooper's fields down by the winding stream There grow the great bulrushes, and there lives young mary mean We all have our secrets We all have our secrets We all have our secrets Here’s an invitation In the shadow of mountains the time sails by In dark places the stories hide And on the silent moor at midnight tom chased her through the snow As a full white moon lit up the world in silver shining diamonds You’re not going to hell love You’re not going to hell love You’re not going to hell love The tide was made for turning Oh love it is handsome, and love is kind And so patient when first it’s new But if you look into loves aching heart to see what lies within Then all you’ll find are discord notes and one single beating rhythm We all have our secrets We all have our secrets We all have our secrets We all have our secrets You’re not going to hell love You’re not going to hell love We all have our secrets Here’s an invitation