How to smile, how to speak, to be living When you are alone, and with you People who are perfect Everybody has friends, parents to be happy But me, I've nobody to help me Leave all this misfortune behind me To stop cryin', scream and suffer I need you, I want you with me I couldn't survive if you weren't here next to me I don't know if you will be on time To save me Now I'm in front of the reality Alone in my room, Watching the rain behind the windows I needed help but it's too late I was alone and I leave this world I return with angels, where I will be happy You wish you had a chance to keep me Help me become anyone again You failed in your quest It's too late, you weren't on time for me I left this world, I'll be protected By the angels until the end of time [Chorus:] I can see you From where I am, 'cause of you I can feel you Your despair because I'm not with you I can hear you You say it's your fault, you are right You let me do Things that didn't look like me [Chorus] Now I walk this long dark hall I don't understand what's happening Everything is dark, is it a poor dream? I thought I was in paradise The ground collapses under my feet I hear a voice telling me "save yourself" It's so difficult, I see nothing more Suddenly, everything becomes calm again I see a light at the end of the hall I can't catch it, so I fall, it's finished