Hail Satan. Prince of darkness. Why seal your fate. Why lie in wait. For the false lord. We are the angels here. We have the souls of pure. I am young I am free. We fight the common enemy. Assault on your fortress. The warriors stand their ground. Hail the warriors of freedom. Hail the warriors of soul. Hail the warriors of freedom. Hail the warriors of soul. Hail Satan Prince of darkness We are young and free Fight the enemy This war it can be won The battle has begun We are here. Don't you fear us. We are here. Warriors of the dark lord. We are the warriors of freedom. We are the warriors for all. We are the warriors of freedom. We are the warriors of war. We are children of the fall. The last blood of truth. We will march. We are the warriors of freedom (repeat) we are for you soul (repeat)