
Dust In The Wind


Rising from the dirty downtown
Dreams of glory, fame and power
Came from a muddy road
Looking for your wish to come true

Doom in your hands
This is your life-law
While your draw is rotting inside of you...

Riding the storm toward a dream
Trying to reach the moon this night
That you're running like the dust in the wind

Now that you're greater than a king
Holding light and dark in hand
Obsession is the name of your nightmare

Doom in your hands
This is your life-law
While your draw is rotting inside of you...

Riding the storm toward a dream
Trying to reach the moon this night
That you're running like the dust in the wind

Higher than a star you will fly 
trying to let your past behind 
Now you're living like the dust in the wind

Rise your hands my lord
Now I offer you my young arms for your dream...and
Bless my life, Holy Knight, please rise me from the mud of my old time

I'm your lamb my lord, won't you sacrify my life now for your dark dream?
No, damn my hope to reborn like a puppet on your strings painted of blood