Bounded by my own isolation And your manipulation Forced to follow a path of hated, violence and pain Oblivion oblivion I praise stop it all And save true and save me heal my wicked soul Doom, beholder of us your sons Is my life a joke or what? You won't answer but I bet you know you know it well Then kill me, then kill me, I won't move at all And face you and face you as I've always done Til the dawn til the dawn til the dawn til I've gone And I roam like a painful soul In the streets of a town unknown And everything around the seems joyful and full of life I have slain in the name of what? For a dream I do not belong I searched my fate there somewhere .... and chaos came from nowhere Blowing with the wind You here their cries You're blinded by your own dream but my life belongs to me Burning for your dream Can't you realize? You drown in your ambition but my life belongs to me It's time to let you know that now my life belongs to me Til the end til the end til the end ... and chaos came from nowhere I was walking before the dawn The same faces so strange around Couldn't see where my path led While chaos came from nowhere Trough this darkness my blames come back And they bring all my shame with them And I don't realize That chaos came from everywhere