In the dead of night the kings promise was made I will return to hold you once again The herald of warhorns harkened from the north taking all who swore their blood to an oath In the throes of war committing the most greivious of sins As the shrieking of widows was carried upon the wind Though kept in shadows his darkened deeds remained The eyes of the old ones remain ever trained Humanity sundered Abolished from the mortal plane How could he have known that Each wound inflicted condemned his own soul His crimes would forever haunt him As the shackles of his arcane hold Oh how the fear of death can transform the purest man's soul And how swiftly then does his blade-hand reach for the sword Before the hordes set flame to his golden plains The innocence of harvest was naught but of grain Trading his soul for vengeance, upon the ramparts he stood Carving a fleshed swathe, Sowing the earth with their blood Astral imprisonment Captive shell of the human mind Astral imprisonment Ageless tomb abandoned in time Enslaved to the calling of his transgressions He dwells within the stone walls of his own mind Still she did wait for him until her last breath Withering away as his words did so long ago.