When does a woman's choice belong to her and not to man or myth? When does a woman's body belong to her and not to man or myth? George w. Bush vowed to overturn Roe vs. Wade by stacking the Supreme Court full of anti-choice advocates While attorney general John Ashcroft swore to god that he'd keep religion out of it This bloodthirsty Texas governor, become illegitimate president, has some fucking nerve to call himself pro-life He embodies the hypocritical, ignorant, sexist thinking that's so typical of the religious right It's her body. It's her decision not that of state, man or religion The "pro-life" movement is moral fraud Fuck their lies and fuck their god Our bodies are not a battlefield Government and religion have proven throughout history that they do not place value on the sanctity of life To now call themselves "pro-life" drastically misstates the position of those who are followers of a blood-soaked religion Their fight is not about the sanctity of life It's more about control and a woman's rightful role and how they should adhere to living their lives under men's supervision and the churches moral restrictions and contradictions It's her body. It's her decision Not that of state, man or religion The "pro-life" movement is moral fraud Fuck their lies and fuck their god Our bodies are not a battlefield Should we once again return to the days of desperation for women who would put their lives in jeopardy? Going to extreme and dangerous measures to end an unwanted pregnancy Instead of women having rightful access to a safe and legal medical procedure Performed in a clean and sterile environment by a trained, qualified and competent doctor Without being intimidated, harassed or threatened by the pitfalls of religious fanaticism They exploit graphic, disgusting and misleading images to play on people's emotions and force their religion down our throats By giving into this religious extortion women will have to resort to back alley abortions Are the women who will suffer from enforcing this restriction really less important than fetus or fiction? If you don't agree with abortion then don't fucking have one But you have no right to govern someone else's body with your arrogant, self-righteous indignation It's her body. It's her decision not that of state, man or religion The "pro-life" movement is moral fraud Fuck their lies and fuck their god Our bodies are not a battlefield