
Angelvs XIII



Ye prophets ov Eucharist 
My praise shall climb to your decline 
May rust corrode on Michael's sword 
Recession ov the progeny divine 

Come forth ye!
Preachers ov imminent death 
Let loose the mighty beasts upon 
Damnatio Ad Bestiam!
Bring an end to this decrepit world 

Countless my legions 
Many my names 
A thousand descendants 
A goat ov Mendez 

Come forth ye!
Heralds ov ruir 
And mute to dust their anaemic way's 
Futile relic ov an utopian age 
King ov kings recrucified 
What an ignominious end!

El Shaddai 
Woe unto Thee O Galilean God Be
Thou ashamed YHWH!
Woe unto Thee To aeons I curse!

Countless my legions 
Many my names 
A thousand young 
A goat ov Mendez 

For I am my Christ over myself 
The accused became the accuser 
For I am Satan incarnate 
Serpent ov old immaculate!