Black despotic shapes and immortal names Brainwash by the media and the god's mysterious ways Slaves of society, the generation next, a perfect solution Genetic manipulation to create a new fucking evolution A monster born from a failure, the heretic spieces rule Now close your eyes for the stupidity. A fool created by a fool Hail the savior, the nuclear flash, close your eyes once again Live in fear in the paradise of the rich. Now it's time to defend Close your eyes... ...See through the lies Man with a well twisting tongue, better to be hung Kneel before the One when angels of death has sung Tormentor of defiled mind with a promise for you to burn in hell You weak minded whores hear the toll of the degenerated immoral bell Dance for the bell... ...Burn in flames of hell Crusaders of morality Fight against the deformity Clown with the crown Your time to die is now When the mind is weak... ...There is no relief Spawn of the end is conceived... By the impotent clown with the crown Slay the spawn into the womb or carve your own name into the tomb Their system is the only disease without a cure. The end will come soon Now the true monster born from the rape of a world Birth of their savior is now the end of the world Their holy war... ...end of all Crusaders of morality Fight against the deformity Clown with the crown Your time to die is now End of all... ...Rise or fall...