One foot in the door I try to resist the temptation to yell Lets talk this out calmly dear I know youre going to hell When I hear you question me, My calmness subsides Why the fuck where you and him together? Now you've crossed the line My love, dont cry. I wont hurt you yet. What Happened between you two wont happen again But darling, you know that were just friends Youre words are useless when I'm in this state! Show me you love me, dont talk anymore I've trusted your words before I wont make the same mistake As we argue back and forth I start seeing through Your lies. Showing me false admiration, why should I even try? The devotion we once has is unquestionably Gone. Lie to me once more and ill take Away your tongue Close your eyes One more lie. Close your eyes. Clear your mind You take a step towards me with your arms open Wide. My hand rest on your hips and embrace Ever so tight. I turn my head to the right And smile, ecstasy fills my veins This is how were meant to be I hope you feel the same You say, I love you, You fucker, thats untrue! I told you what id do if you lied! As I swing at you with my knife, my brother Defends your life. I knew it was true! Ill fucking Torture you two! Your blood will stain these walls, And the image will stay in my mind. This isnt over, Now, but its almost your time! I drop my weapon and smile, you two aren't worth Anything. I see you dont understand what you've Done. I no longer have what meant most to me! What would you like me to do now?! Honey, why dont you try calming down? Are you fucking kidding bitch? Dont make another sound! My love, dont cry. I wont hurt you yet. What Happened between you two wont happen again. But darling, you know that were just friends. What a fucking lie! Why did you try that shit? Its too late now, the damage is done. I hear my Brother scream at me. Oh this is going to be fun. As we argue back and forth I start seeing through Your lies. Showing me false admiration, why should I even try? The devotion we once has is unquestionably Gone. Open your mouth once more and ill take Away your tongue.