Meagan - Dad is that her plane landing. Dad No I dont think thats her plane her plane should have landed like 10 min ago. She should be somewhere in the airport by now. Meagan Oh look there she is. I see her! Dad Oh there she is. Hey whats going on! Alicia Hey guys! Dad So how was your flight? Alicia It was good actually! Dad good good good! Well hey I think Im going to go and pick up your bags at baggage claim. So yall just hang out here and Ill be back in just a min. Alicia ok do you know where its at? Dad yeah I already check it out! Meagan Ok buy. I really missed you Alich. Alicia yeah I missed you to Meg. Meagan do you remember old times when we use to have a lot of fun? Alicia yeah remember that one song we use to sing? Meagan Oh yeah didnt it go a little something like this? Chorus: S I S T A -Sista Hood - Meagan and Alicia down in the hood Rockin to the beat like we new we could - cause were the S I S T A - Sista Hood S I S T A -Sista Hood - Meagan and Alicia down in the hood Rockin to the beat like we new we could - cause were the S I S T A - Sista Hood Verse: 1 - Alicia When youre feeling down and low you can call on me When you feel like you need a friend Ill be by your side to hold your hand No one can comfort you like I can Cause were the Chorus: Verse: 2 - Meagan I wouldnt change the way That it is today Because you paved the way For me to say the way I feel inside will never go away Because your one of a kind a sista you are mine Thats way Im proud to say - say say - say say - say say - say say Chorus: Bridge: The sista hood is all good cause were doing things like we knew we could Cause the sista hood is all good its good its good its good The sista hood is all good cause were doing things like we knew we could Cause the sista hood is all good its good its good its good Chorus: