Bounding down Mathew Street To a seagull melody The smell of smoke and ale from last evening Acquired taste of plum jerkum Leather boots on linoleum Reminders of the things that were once done 'Cause you know I can easily Compare the things between you and me And treat your life like a book that I can read And though I know that isn't fair Retrospect's a burden I must bare Collecting stories that aren't mine to share And though I know therе's an answer To why I view the world with such romancе, oh And maybe that is why some of you might have guessed I'm stuck in a past that I I've not lived before I was running through the street Cobblestone below my feet Imagining if you were right there with me And strange enough to my surprise There was a moment where I realized That you were already right there by my side 'Cause the truth is you didn't know What the future was to hold And you were just a normal 17 year old So it's comforting, I suppose To know that we were once on the same boat Dreaming 'bout what lurks in the shadows And though I know there's an answer To why I view the world with such romance, oh And maybe that is why some of you might have guessed I'm stuck in a past that I I've not lived before And maybe there's a reason I'm here today And that's to say the things you couldn't say So when I hear those seagulls calling me I'll just remember what happened to you and me On Mathew Street, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh And though I know there's an answer To why I view the world with such romance, oh Maybe that is why some of you might have guessed I'm stuck in a past that I I've not lived before