Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness My servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights I have put my spirit upon him And he shall bring forth justice In faithfulness to any men Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness My servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights Saith the Lord Saith the Lord I will raise up a righteous breath A king to wisely reign He'll proclaim peace to the nations And we'll do what's just and right He is robed in reign as in splendor His garment stained in crimson Redemption comes For David's throne Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness My servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights Saith the Lord Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness My servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness My servant, my chosen one in whom my soul delights Saith the Lord Saith the Lord Behold (saith the Lord) Behold the King (saith the Lord)