Beautiful South

How Long's A Tear Take To Dry?

Beautiful South

How long's a tear take to dry 
When a woman has no breeze? 
How long's a tear take to dry 
When a woman, when a woman's on her knees? 

How long's a tear take to dry 
When a woman hasn't sinned? 
How long's a tear take to dry 
When the weather, when the weather brings no wind? 

Look I'm sorry that I hurt you 
You look a million dollars and a dime 
Time's the greatest healer 
But love's the greatest stealer of all time

I'm so sorry, (make it plural) - My heart's broken, (mine's the same) 
I still love you (make it plural) 
You're so sweet! 
The flowers smell sweeter, the closer you are to the grave 
The flowers smell sweeter, the closer you are to the grave

How long's a tear take to dry 
When almighty brings is rain? 
How long's a tear take to dry 
And do tears, and do tears really stain? 

This heart was like a tardis 
I went and lost the key in a fight 
I've never found a locksmith 
Will you be my locksmith tonight? 
(Will I shite)

I'm so sorry, (make it plural) - My heart's broken, (mine's the same) 
I still love you (make it plural) 
You're so sweet! 
The flowers smell sweeter, the closer you are to the grave 
The flowers smell sweeter, the closer you are to the grave

How long does sorry really last 
Is it tattooed upon your heart? 
Or is it hung in a museum 
With your Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa ex-ass art?

I have no summer, (I'll buy you summer) 
I'll buy July, if December makes you cry 
A little or no trace face belies a lie of many days gone by 
A little or no trace face belies a lie of many days gone by