Beautiful South


Beautiful South

Build your dream castle out of sand 
It's bound to get washed up anyway 
Dream your dreams out of last week 
They're bound to have come up yesterday 

If you want to give them flowers 
Make them paper ones you send 
Live your life a jigsaw 
It goes back in the box, in the end 
Build your dream heart from plasticine 
'Cause you're putty in their hands 
Mould your ambition in concrete 
'Cause you'll only land in quicksand 

Carve your dough from play-dough 
'Cause they'll roll you into a ball 
Make your friends from Lego 
'Cause Lego makes a wall 

'Cause when you build big houses 
The paintings get stolen 
The devil says he's silver 
When you know that he is golden 
When papier m鈉h⌦ㄲ㬸 heads make more sense 
than the sun 
Giving teacher apples could be fun or dumb 

Build your planes from Airfix 
'Cause you'll only lose the war 
Write your love letters on rice paper 
At least you'll feed the poor 

Build your dream castle out of sand 
It's bound to get washed up anyway 
Dream your dreams out of last week 
They're bound to have come up yesterday