Beaten Back To Pure

Where The Sewer Meets The Sea

Beaten Back To Pure

Oceanview is like nowhere you've ever been before 
Gypsy haven, whiskey heaven, white trash shangri-lai 
The only way I believe I will be able to leave is in a pine box 
Now that's a fuckin' shame 

Knee deep in hooker cum 
She fits so nicely in the trunk 
Body parts work well as chum 
I do my part to clean up the streets 

Pro-active in every phase 
The ocean makes infidels pay 
Time for the rise of shame 
Get down on all fours, I draw my clawhammer 
And reign down its vengeance on whores 

If you want crack, you got it 
I will put the brakes on self indulgence 
Your sunken eyes bring disgrace 

I'm nature's helping hand.. 

I'm tired of whores and junkies 
I look around and don't think it's just me 
Take a long walk off of Harrison's Pier 
And drown, where the sewer meets the sea