Writing a book that will shed new light On the final five years of his half-brother's life He takes the fifteen minutes that Andy gave him Turns the volume up and hopes that the TV can save him. But I don't read the papers and I don't write books I don't subscribe to the issues or take second looks I believe half of what I see and everything I'm told Who knows, who cares? You feel around for something moving in the dark It's the specific application of the question mark We all know what they say when you go too far We all know what they say we just don't know who they are I won't sell my soul for another sordid page in your bible Living on the edge get's you another cheap shot at survival That was the situation, long time ago We were strung out on expectations, that's a long row to hoe Now I'm a member incorporated, I've signed my name And I know that I've cooperated, I feel the same. But Who knows? Who knows, who cares? I'm not a hipocryte Who knows, who cares? I've made my peace with it.