Beastie Boys

Michelles Farm

Beastie Boys

Yee haa oh shut up you pig fucker you're so ugly.
Adam. you look like a zebra your mother's a zebra
Why don't you get a haircut farm boy?
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Barnyard stoats raid the pen if you don't shoot 'em
They'll do it again fuck the chickens
I don't like milk fuck the chickenss
I don't like milk farmer joe fucks a cow
He likes it so much he sucks a sow
Now you, everyday i'm going to school.
I wish i could be satisfied, but it`s hogwash
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk now
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Branyard bob mows the field sees how much wheat will yield
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk now
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Barnyard stoats raid the pen if you don't shoot 'em
They'll do it again
And everyday i'm going to school
I wish that i could find gratitude.
But it's hog wash
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk now
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Barnyard stoats raid the pen if you don't shoot 'em
They'll do it again
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk now
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk now
Fuck the chickens i don't like milk
Now me everyday i'm riding to school
I'm learning a bunch of brainwash it's hogwash