Bring forth the true whore of Babylon, Liber vaticinationem, Monarchy infernal, Hellspawned millennium, Darkness through fire, Skies of funeral black, 6 decades before the war, Death conquers the cross, Aries commands all. The new dawn, Of total satanic deminion Shall bear the number 3797. Buried in the deceitful lights of the shepherd, Until the gates of Hell falls with jehovah. The darkest eclipse since the birth of time....obscure, nocturnal Endless darkness rises, Behold his coming. A decade from the century Through the dead shell, My flaming soul bursts. (Repeat 1st & 2nd verses) The prophetic code of the apocalypse shall bear the number 3797. Buried in the deceitful lights of their god, Until the sun dies and the Anticrist's enthroned.