Wise at times, but usually not when it's needed From the start; a line that sees light in my head For the sake of climbing the hills that are highest Conversate to prove to the world; "I'm not dead!" Travelling, a search for something without candles Your sharpened eyes, can see all which you are not telling I fear your words, a line that was spelled to the senseless, Not for me; just for another face that you're selling And it's coming out today He's coming out today She's coming out today You're coming out today Today Reflecting; the past in a time that is present Wonderful and shimmering under your skin Feel the heat, melting your growing cancer It's all here in a box that is ready to begin I'm in ice, but you can't see me in darkness It's still cold, the walls are troubled but thin Nothing's left to live for if you are not living Your birth completed the worst of all sins