
Hold On


Hold on my friend
When was I replaced?
It wasn't I who raised a hand
To have my say
To have my say
I spoke anyway

And I really cared
That's probably why I'm so scared, not anymore
I look into the mirror
But I don't recognize those eyes
They used to reflect the flame that burns within

Hold on
Hold on my friend
So I'm still alive
Serenity is playing tricks with my head
I can't hear my breathing
Harboring the soul
It's in a state of waiting for something new
But I don't recognize those eyes
They used to reflect the flame that burns within

They used to reflect a flame burning from within
Now in a colder state
Can we please begin
I got places to be and people to meet man
My voice matters too

But I don't recognize those eyes
They used to reflect the flame that burns within
Hold on

How can you ask me to be consistent
Nothing is as the sun won't rise today
Why do you want me to stay the same
Life wasn't meant to be that way
Crawl back in your dirty little hole

Hold on, don't let go
Terrible feeling of letting you slip away
Oh no they're coming to take you away from me
Over and over and over again