Bear In Heaven

Wholehearted Mess

Bear In Heaven

Let’s walk down the highway
The exit isn’t too far
Don’t be upset

When we make it down to that tree
We’ll lay back in the shady green grass, green grass
We’ll listen to the hum
We’ll think of all the fun
We will have when I’m a thrillionaire
Come on please
I know, I’ve lied before
But this time I mean it
This time I need it
When will someone
Help me

Dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out dig out

Pay dirt

Don’t turn the knife into my heart filled with luke warm red blood that runs so cold

Go on and change your entire life
Without my curse you won’t melt or die
Someone’s is burning up my effigy
Smoke detectors won’t stop ringing

Go on and change your entire life
Without my curse you won’t live a lie
You are the product of a wayward night
I’ll just vanish from your wayward sight

Go on an change your entire life
Without my curse you won’t live a lie
And don’t forget to forget my name
This is the last song your mom will sing

Just forget me, you don’t know me, just forget me, you don’t know me, just forget me, you don’t know me, just forget me

This wholehearted mess