I count the time I've pissed away in hiding And I count on finding solace in their song But in pacing through these halls Digging nails in to the walls I've grown tired of their prying eyes a-spyin' They say the life you got is what you make it But I've starved myself in comfort for too long I'm invigored with a drive A crusade to feel alive So let's bounce before they wake up and they find me Grab your bootstraps, boys Buckle up And we out on the loose You can't escape us! Nah, we c-c-comin' for ya Got my two step Winning grin My finger guns are ready to shoot I'm gonna dance all night I got a hankerin' to shake off some blues At first, I find the atmosphere delicious As I join them in their jaunty jamboree Then a crack and I can hear The neurotic itching fear Of the amplifying dissonance behind me They say you oughta dance like no one's watching They're a telepathic chorus in my mind With their laser guided eyes Firing leers as sharp as knives A pariah gone awry Ah, just come find me Strap my boots down, girls Buckle up And I'm back in the noose (You can't escape it! Nah, we g-g-gotcha gotcha!) I feel your cold grip Chilling grin Bringing tons of nothing to lose I've had enough limelight Oh, won't you tuck me in and sing me the blues Sing me sweetly to my doom And I know there's no escaping I'll wait it out I'm the one on the line here So I'm getting my fill And if you had just what I want I wouldn't need it now Brother, sister, please don't shame me Silence so loud But I promise I'm fine here I'm just getting my fill And if you had just what I need I wouldn't want it now But I need it now And I know there's no escaping I can't hold out I don't know that I'm fine here But I'm getting my fill And if you had just what I need I think I want it now This ain't how my mama raised me Silence so loud But I'm out of time They're coming in for the kill Say that you got just what I want Because I need it Gimme all you got Because if not They're gonna drown me out