I'm a-smitten Pleased as a punchbowl A skippin' beat that slapped a patch on my heart hole Ooh You're the freshest squeeze A bee with lots of knees Yeah, baby, you got it all I can't believe that We have so much in common Like how we sneeze when we inhale too much po- achoo! (Bless you) When you're glad you laugh and When you itch you scratch Honey, you got it all I wrote you a la la love song My heart is singin' for you And I'm singin' along, we go Bee-boppa-doo-doh Badoo-bee-doo-wah Baby, you're one of a kind And you're mine, all mine What are the odds We're both allergic to arsenic? And neither of one us can See in the dark, it's Weird! We're two peas in a pod No, ain't a single flaw Can you believe we're both peas? When you snap and crackle you pop-shoo-bop, honey And when you know you happy you clap-shoo-bap Can't get enough You're unlike anyone You love having fun Surreal I wrote you a la la love song My heart is singin' for you And I'm singin' along, we go Bee-boppa-doo-doh Badoo-bee-doo-wah Baby, you're one of a kind A billion stars out there Somehow we both wound up on this one You must be destiny I can't think up another reason I know that this planet ain't a star, but What I meant was Something like a metaphor That's a comparison between two things that aren't like but kinda are See, earth and stars are both celestial bodies I love the way you got a Head on your shoulders I love the wrinkles that you'll Get when you're older When we're cold and blue I'll still be there by you And I'll still rage for that booty I wrote you a la la la la love song My heart is singin' for you And I'm singin along, we go Bee-boppa-doo-doh Badoo-bee-doo-wah Baby, I'm so glad you're mine, mine Bee-boppa-doo-doh Badoo-bee-doo-wah Baby, you're one of a kind