Shadows endlessly deepening So much for bravery Fear is overtaking At the sounds of creeps And creatures beneath me Holding your eyes shut wont do a thing One by one they’re advancing What choice is left but Standing up against them With parades of plastic, stuffing and fabric Sound the alarms We’ll hold them ’til dawn All at once We will run them from our shores We will rise No more sleepless nights in horror We won’t see this evil defeat us March with me we’re off to war We’ll stand our ground and we’ll fight We’ll take back the night How can this still be happening? The things I’ve seen No one would believe me Years of holding back relentless attacking Have left me on my own I know I’ve got to try I’ve spent my whole life saying That it’s all in my head I’m afraid they’re very real The monsters under your bed And I’ve tried so hard to stop them As they come from the depths I know it sounds completely crazy But you’re all I’ve got left All at once (grab your guns) We will run them from our shores We will rise (hear our cries) No more sleepless nights in horror We won’t see this evil defeat us March with me we’re off to war We’ll stand our ground and we’ll fight We’ll take back the night You laugh but you don’t have a clue You have to believe this is true All at once, if you must, cast your stones and write me off But if you lock me up, it sure wont help at all They’ll come again, it wont end, there’ll be no one to defend you If I’m stuck inside a cell when darkness falls Please! Don’t leave me here in these chains! Set me free! You don’t understand, they’re on their way! I can’t protect you from here Don’t you see? This is the end (good God!) The sounds of their screams as it’s all falling down Their monstrous footsteps quake the ground I hear humanity fall And I plead, forgive me I’ve failed you