I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only I had many lovers before I might even have loved them more I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only I cannot tell yet Coz we have never met I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only All I know is that you might be The reason why I'm lonely I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only I cannot tell yet Coz we have never met I don't think it would be right To call you the one and only All I know is that you might be The reason why I'm lonely Polish Part : Nie jestem pewien ¿e to tylko ty jesteœ moj¹ jedyn¹ Mia³em przecie¿ du¿o innych przed Tob¹ I czasami wydaje mi siê, ¿e kocham je wiêcej ni¿ ciebie Nie jestem pewien ¿e to tylko ty jesteœ moj¹ jedyn¹ Ja jeszcze nie znam prawdy Przecie¿ ciê nie znam Jeszcze ciê nie widzia³em Nie jestem pewien ¿e to tylko ty jesteœ moj¹ jedyn¹ Wszystko, co teraz chcia³bym ci powiedzieæ To jest to ¿e najprawdopodobniej przez ciebie jestem Samotny