Bummertime! Bummertime! It's bummertime! BUMMER! [x4] I'd think about you all week long My mind constantly singing your theme song And did you know i looked up to you? I wanna be just like you! No one knows how it was for me No one knows what you meant to me Everyone talks about it like they were there Oh there's a soundtrack but nobody cares! Everyone talks about it like they were there Oh there's a soundtrack but nobody cares! I woke up early just for you! I waited all week long for you too And there you were on my TV It's like you were there just for me! Bummertime! Bummertime! It's bummertime! BUMMER! [x2] When the time came I'd play along I didn't know that you'd soon be gone And now you're back what can I say? I can't even look at you the same way! No one knows how it was for me No one knows what you meant to me Everyone talks about it like they were there Oh there's a soundtrack but nobody cares! Everyone talks about it like they were there Oh there's a soundtrack but nobody cares! I woke up early just for you! I waited all week long for you too And there you were on my TV It's like you were there just for me! BUMMERTIME!