The cup of sorrow overflows… Nothing shows, no nothing glows, But my soul is all at sea The night has had it's way with me This game is growing rather grim And some of us must sink or swim But I'll play the sailor brave From the cradle to my grave 'Cos you're the gold at the end of my rainbow, the ghost with the silver smile You're the gold at the end of my rainbow Oh, won't you stay with me Please won't you stay with me, Oh, won't you stay with me awhile Our enemies are at the gate Well armed with jealousy and hate But my sword is in my hand And I will fight at your command The storm is raging in my head The things I've done, The words I've said Never change your skies to grey For I will chase the clouds away, 'Cos you're the gold at the end of my rainbow, the ghost with the silver smile You're the gold at the end of my rainbow Oh, won't you stay with me Please won't you stay with me, Oh, won't you stay with me awhile