
Stawberry Cow


I love everybody
Because I love you
When you stood up, trotted away mooing
And the grass where you lay
Left a bed in your shape
I looked over it and I smile

I love everybody
Because I love you
I don't need a city
And I don't need proof
Oh all I need darling is life in your shape
I picture it soft and smile

Look at you, strawberry cow

Reach out to the sky, trying to hold the wind
You tell me you love grass if they give you a grin
Oh all I neve wanted was a friend like you
So I follow the white flowers
Follow the white flowers
Keeo my eyes to the sky
As I smile

Look at you, strawberry cow
You make me go wow
I love it when you moo my name
Can't you hear the bumblebee swarms
I'm watching your horns
I love it when you look my way

Look at you, strawberry cow
You make me go wow
I love it when you moo my name
Can't you hear the bumblebee swarms
I'm watching your horns
I love it when you look my way

Look at you, strawberry cow
You make me go wow
I love it when you moo my name
Can't you hear the bumblebee swarms
I'm watching your horns
I love it when you look my way

Look at you, strawberry cow
You make me go wow
I love it when you moo my name
Can't you hear the bumblebee swarms
I'm watching your horns
I love it when you look my way