
Red Head vs. The Pretty Red Bracelet


You'll dance and laugh and cry 
I'm dreaming dreams that wont come true 
Don't bat your eyes 
You care for yourself and others too 
But me you treat like a disease 
And now I think it's true 

Don't look at me that way 
My heart is all I have 
Will you ever stop? 
Your words cut deep 
Will you ever stop throwing me away? 

The red head vs. the pretty red bracelet 

You're all that's wrong with me 
You rip and tear 
Call me when you're through 
She's kind you're not 
She's sweet you're not 
That's the last time I trust a red head 

Silence falls upon us 
The music stops for a bit 
Smoke paints a picture of you 
The noose that I hang myself with