An unfathomed fate Magicks to uncreate Now a mindslave Death to humble the brave No escape from death Words have been spoken Into the wizard's grin, never awoken Casting, soon you will die It's your last mortal cry Eviscerating, arcanus is thrust Pound you to dust Spell has been cast Your life won't last Unfathomed fate Crushed through the spellgate Now role to save versus Deathmagick at minus two No escape from death Words have been spoken Into the wizard's grin, never awoken Casting, soon you will die It's your last mortal cry Eviscerating, arcanus is thrust Pound you to dust Spell has been cast, your life won't last Follow the other cringing cowards to death's cold embrace Life-killing deathfeast inside your rotted skeletal face Struggle you may but sixty hit points or less and you're dead Nothing is left but your magical items and what I have said Power Word: Kill