So it has been, is now, shall be Learned we are in this thaumaturgy To cancel a life with words of strife Using magicks so old, magicks so cold To end your time, a spell of mine Steal your life and send you to the next Necromantic text Magicks so old, magicks so cold Deathmagick Soon hear the words who herald hatred Soon feel their grip Soon die by curse cast by black wizards Succumb to evil, death quench their awful thirsts Read they red, the glowing texts? Burn it red, the rhythmic hex? So it has been, is now, shall be Learned we are in this thaumaturgy To cancel a life with words of strife Using magicks so old, magicks so cold To end your time, a spell of mine Steal your life and send you to the next Necromantic text Magicks so old, magicks so cold Thsi black spell of death has meant to end you A raging mage has memorized To teach you just what deathmagick means