Oom boom bim bam jumping up and down Swinging and a clinging like a madman through the trees Slappin'and clappin' with your elbows and your knees Dancin'with the whole gang and chase a chimpansee The cat just caught a mouse and danced with him ‘till three On the gorilla rock Oom boom bim bam jumping up and down We all went to a joint called the King Kong's Cave We danced ‘till have past five doing the apeman dive Eating big bananas drinking palmtree wine Oom boom bim bam a coconut's so fine On the gorilla rock Oom boom bim bam on the gorilla rock Left a mother her baby boy that baby boy was me Now I'm rockin' and boppin' in the mango trees Last night I found an oyster looked inside what'd I see It looked like Eddie Aardvark and it seemed that he He did the gorilla rock