first one--it's a shock a second helping--not good enough third time lucky--and you've arrived! if you have any doubts then try once more... maybe i was too impressed... he flattered--i was blushing he found my _joie de vivre_ so cute and rather touching himself so upwardly mobile, so cerebral, clever could i ever live up to his dreams or would i like to play a part in his scheme? i don't think so... i have my plans and brave ambition knowing no bounds, no inhibitions 'nd i'm aware there's a lesson in every fall so next time i'll get closer first one--it's a shock a second helping--not good enough third time lucky--and you've arrived! if you have any doubts then try one more time later i met a boy whose inner life was his true passion we did connect in an exploratory fashion he claimed what tie us to this mortal coil we should sever could i ever live up to his dreams or would i like to play a part in his scheme? oh i fear not... i have my plans and brave ambition knowing no bounds, no inhibitions 'nd i'm aware there's a lesson in every fall so next time i might get it right