Look in to my eyes the fire that burns inside. Like the flames of time it will never die. Born under the sign of the moon Invoked by the forces of doom To the kingdom where the sound of the dead echoes And swords of warriors buried under the sands of time Where mighty kings lived and kingdoms fight To praise the ancient war gods In the beginning the feared and worshipped him The true master of this world But as time passed he was forgotten by his servants And become a mere shadow of the sun We will circle the prepared altar with gold and silver shine And our black moon will shine above us as a demon To call forth the one arise goatlord Stories to children dark fairytales of evilness They thought he died but how can a nature die He is inside us all Desire - Imagination - Greed and Hunger The time has come to set the beast free Ah the river turned to blood of the pure of heart The storms rages inside as the beast turned loss The lord have returned to the world And The fake duties vanished away for good The true nature reviled AD MAJOREM SATANNA DOMINA