Barry Louis Polisar

Dad Says That I Look Like HimDad says that I've got his nose, big and flat and long.

Barry Louis Polisar

Dad says that I've got his nose, big and flat and long.
He tells me that I look like him but Mom says he is wrong.
Aunt Mary says I look just like my older brother, Wayne.
Aunt Jennie says my hair's too long; I look like my sister Jane.
I wish they'd stop comparing me to everybody else.
"You walk like him," "You talk like her." I look just like myself.

My grandma says I've got the eyes of my great-grandpa John.
Uncle Dave says that I look just like my cousin's mom.
Dad says that I'm built like him; Mom says Don't be so sure.
Grandpa doesn't say too much. he sits all day and snores.
I wish they'd stop comparing me to everybody else.
"You walk like him," "You talk like her." I look just like myself.

Dad says that I have his eyes. Mom says it isn't true.
They say he must be blind and I know my eyes are blue.
Mom says that I talk to much, but if you ask me.
I look just like the milkman. Daddy says it couldn't be.
I wish they'd stop comparing me to everybody else.
"You walk like him," "You talk like her." I look just like myself