[Merry-Pippin:] "Freeful but with no sure path We wander through Fangorn The Uruk-Hai dead now they are By spears from eorlingas We walk until a bright As ground is steeply rising Then we climb up some rocky stairs Expecting for a chance" An unknown and sudden voice Merry, Pippin and an ageless form Hope reborns, the Quest gets on the road! Till the Entwash they went on! The Derndingle followed as a way for channelling force An awakening for all the Ents! Down the green Methedras should be settled up... ...The Entmoot!!! So in some more days Wrathful Ent forces will enter Isengard Saruman in terror will fall!!! And Orthanc will be a sure weight less For Freedom to come! Great longing came over them For faces and voices For Frodo and the Fellowship For Gandalf and Strider Then the Entmoot raised But only for a while Now Bregalad will accompany Them until the departure Suddenly voices emerged! Drum redoubles sounds of rage!!! The Final Ent´s March Began always towards Isengard [Treebeard:] "We are off to face the Doom To hew the stones and to break the doors!!!" The awakening of the whole Forest was done Nan Curunír Will fall down Down!!!