


We met these sisters Barlow's their last name
Ordinary girls they don't live in lane
They don't rate with the guys that score cause they
don't flaunt what the boys what more
They don't date they won't date
They wanna see how they're gonna grow up
Who they're gonna be in the meantime
They might feel unloved when all the girls around them
are hooking up
But I know for sure it's never popular to be pure
And while some guys might be passing them by
I think they've caught someone's eye
All the boys in the bad want a valentine from a Barlow
Boys think they're the bomb
Cause they remind them of their mom
Everyone needs to be loved
Everyone needs their own teenage fan club
Any attention can feel like a good thing
Dress to impress can be oh so tempting
You get noticed with your body
Sexual hypnosis by being hottie you might
Fell like public property
You might you might you shouldn't be no girl should
feel she has to trade her body
For love or be an old maid and yes there are guys who
are willing to wait
Ask a Barlow girl on her wedding day.