Five hundred years of human abuse The well known free wil just seem to have no use Some complain that our people have no hope Hard to keep ir up when our president is a knowing joke Politicians feeling in their stretched guts With expensive whisky and imported nuts While little poor kids have nothing to eat And people starve to death on their northeast Oh yeah! Fuckin' leave leave this place right now Oh yeah! Pack your shit you are late get the fuck out Oh yeah! Why are you still here? We all want you to go Oh yeah! Don't look back, get your money shove it up your holes Why don't you all go and fuck off That's the best you do for us Yeah leave this congress and fuck off Get the monew you stole from us and stick it up... You know where! Corruption, misleading, unpunishment This song is a protest against you Liars, thieves, dishonest and beasts Who control our country And very soon you all are going to see...