Tom: A E|------| e|-2----| e|------| B|-2----| B|-3----| B|------| G|-2----| G|-2----| G|-1----| D|-2----| D|------| D|-2----| A|------| A|------| A|-2----| E|------| E|------| E|------| CHORUS: A D E A What's so maybe about...What's so maybe about...What's so maybe D E about...Katie? A D E A D E What's the use in hesitating? Can't you see that Katie's waiting? A D E A D E Just because her youth is fading, doesn't mean that she's not worth dating CHORUS (x2) D E A D D E A I don't know what the fuss is all about just take it slow, it's not like you D D E A D D can't live without her to and fro, if you've got a shred of doubt then it's E not worth it CHORUS (x2) A D E A D Can't you see her with her arms wide open? she's everything that you've E A D E A been hoping for. Forever's not so long, stop moping, She's got a daughter D E and you're just not coping. D E A D D E A Do you know everyone you ever swore you'd love for life? I don't know them D D E A D D E anymore I know their names I'd recognize them on the street and I don't love them... G O CHORDS: D, E, A, D, D, E, A x2 G O GUITAR: keep repeating the 9th fret on the G-string until the very end of the solo just before the chorus comes back in, as thats's where it changes E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-(r| epeat until...)-9-7-6----7-6----------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------9------9-7------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|