Tonight the wind it whispers like the voice of a child Whose caught up in this struggle but still forces a smile So caught up in our venting, that this beauty slips out of sight But not out of mind, and the need it couldn't be stronger Or more justified (pre-Chorus) How can people bear it? We can not all be blind to see That in the midst of this confusion A child's calling out for peace (Chorus 2x) So right about now, we've gotta turn it around Right about now Can't you hear these voices Their words grow stronger everyday? And if we keep in mind our choices You'll find there lies another way (pre-Chorus) (Chorus 2x) Why can't we see that we've all got our feet on the ground? That's why I cannot believe that there's no way for peace to be found Oh, from the air that we breath to the mountains and sea all around That's why I cannot believe that there's no way for peace when we've all got our feet on the ground (Chorus 2x)