The winters come its cold outside The centuries pass with no end in sight The light of the stars is fading from your eyes And now The path back to ithaca’s’ gone The gods have left him all alone Cursed to remain in oblivion for all time For his crime Thinking that he was divine Lost in a dream of an endless story Cursed with ship on an windless sea Searching for stars that will end his journey When will I be free Look to the sky for the winters comet Follow the stars and the moon to free The sails of night And sail on orions light The sun has set upon the sea His eyes are now old he can barely see The light that once guided him fades upon The waves of time The strength that once drove him has gone The dark is reclaiming its throne And all that is left is the memory of her Take my life he screams Without my eyes I'm just a memory A soul lost at sea for eternity Lost for all time Lost in a dream of an endless story Cursed with ship on an windless sea Searching for stars that will end his journey When will I be free Look to the sky for the winters comet Follow the stars and the moon to free The sails of night And sail on orions light “Curse you all What is my crime? Ive done your biding Ive done your will, why have you forsaken me It was glory I sought -“Its glory we want” Glory I delivered -“Glory not for you” Release me to my fate -“Never, no more, never/no more” “Lost in a dreams neverending story On a ship on an windless sea Without stars an endless journey How can I be free Look to the sky for the winters comet Lighting the path bright for you to see Hold the memory of her smile For love will set you free” It will set you free Your journeys over Sail on the light from the winters comet Burn bright in the sky for all to see Her destiny and love will set you free