Once upon a time there was a man who wore a smirk He stormed the North, he sallied forth and acted like a jerk Tired of the battles and his work as sword for hire He left for Waterdeep and then decided to retire Now he's the Moneylender, Mirt He turned his chase for power to the kind you wield in town And now his name is known and feared by everyone around He went and joined the Harpers then he opened up a bank Lending treasure near and far to those who’s fortune’s sank He's the Moneylender, Mirt Hitch your wagon, raise a flagon, tell a bawdy tale 'Bout a man so merciless that he would drink up all of your ale But then one day he changed his ways and opened up his purse I can think of many ways that could be worse He's the mo-ney-len-der Mirt Lord Walrus and the Wanderer were tired of growing old They went to Undermountain and came out with lots of gold! When they both emerged they had a lot of work to do They built the Yawning Portal and another mansion, too He's the Moneylender, Mirt He traveled with the Blackstaff and the Sage of Shadowdale Got trapped within a magic axe then fled into Suzail He's traded words with archwizards and thwarted many schemes With everything he's done my friend, he's much more than he seems He's the Moneylender, Mirt Hitch your wagon, raise a flagon, tell a bawdy tale 'Bout a man so merciless that he would drink up all of your ale But then one day he changed his ways and opened up his purse I can think of many ways that could be worse Hitch your wagon, raise a flagon, tell a bawdy tale 'Bout a man so merciless that he would drink up all of your ale But then one day he changed his ways and opened up his purse I can think of many ways that could be worse He's the mo-ney-len-der Mirt He's the mo-ney-len-der Mirt He's the mo-ney-len-der Mirt