Hey mr conductor: Let me ride your train I want to play your yo play your yo: Play your yo‑yo Again You don't let me on: I'm going to ride the blinds You wants to yo‑yo bob: But you know this train you Know this train ain't mine I know a man: His age was fifty‑four Oh he didn't do nothing: But play with his yo play With his yo‑yo I like to yo‑yo: Yes both night and day Some folks say it's hard work: But me it's famous me It's famous play You may be blue: And way down in the depths Go play your yo‑yo: Your yo‑yo your little yo‑yo will Help When you hear them yelling: Up and down the hall Don't get uneasy: They's playing yo‑yo playing yo‑yo That's all I got a gal: She sure is big and fat Let's yo‑yo bob: Because it's tight because it's tight Like that I'm just a traveler: I've got to leave this squat You want to yo‑yo mama: Call on barbecue call on Barbecue bob