


Somke on the horizon filters a blood red sun 
Distant storms of strife echo as thunderous guns 
The kingdom of war still claiming more souls 
While remnants of the battle lie unbucted in the cold 

Artillery has had its say with black power words 
Infantry and cavalry their (truth) from above 
Warship guns send their message far offshore 

Defiant and proud 
Death's burning shroud 

Feverish prayers whispered with a mouth 
Face down in a foxhole with dried blood 
Trying to satisfy a code of honour 
And where upon my oath I must forever fight! 

On war-torn blood drenched hallowed ground 
I stand alone gazing after (the) horrifying sounds 
Acts of bravery claimed by every war 
The ultimate sacrifice doesn't offer us a choice 

A growing conflict deep within my pounding heart 
A wrenching pain numbed by the droning smart 
Who is it created this sleepless hell? 
Why are they not here to fight as well? 

The gods of war loose their thunderous creed 
Is this sacrifice my final deed? 
Who has won if nothing has been gained 
Conflagaration and death again stake their claim