Cannibal I'm the machiavellian reincarnation of evil My name was written with blood and fire I'm a bizarre creation, a new form of life Who walks along the sinister park of the Dark human existence I'm prepared for my flesh feast I need fresh human meat I hide my victims I will come for you Silver moon rises above the trees The cold winter wind is singing Blasphemous death songs My inner demons whisper me The secret of my violent mission Now is the time to hunt new human victims My knife will cut your internal organs Your skin will be peeled and stripped Off the bone The power to kill is on my mind Mutilation by knives Hammers cracking open your skull Human blood give me the eternal energy To be immortal! I'm slipping into madness! Morbid visions of murders! The voices of my victims! Torture me! Cannibal I'll eat... your brain... i will drink... your blood! Faces... of horror... i need... your flesh! Mutilation... of corpses... i am a... psychopath! Massive... destruction... brutal... bloody death!