George : Eight draws! You've got 'em all, eight draws! Luck was a bitch, but now you're rich She's bloody Santa Claus Two rooms You'd easy fill two rooms, If you get all that brass in cash As you will, one presumes. Two rooms You'll need the extra space, Else where on earth d'ya keep the stuff? You'll need a bigger place. Two yachts Two yachts, a summer cruise! There's one for you and me - and Viv, And one to tow the booze. Two wives to help spend all that dosh Keep Viv for ev'ryday use and The other one for posh. If you laid ev'ry one pound note End to end, I tell yer then You'd reach from here right to the moon Keith/George : To the moon and back again. Keith : Two homes We'll need to buy two homes, A mansion and a bungalow To house the garden gnomes. Two fags Give me a pair of snout I'll start to light two fags at once In case one should go out. Two beds Two beds a "yours" and "mine" Or one for kip and one that's just For "How's yer father" George : Fine! Keith : To hell! Me boss can go to hell! I'll thumb me nose at him and hold Two fingers up as well. George : If you stuck this lot on yer scales, Reckon it would weigh two ton Keith : And if we blow the flippin' lot Keith/Young Viv : We're gonna have two tons of fun. Young Viv : Two lavs There'll be no need for queues. 'Cept now we're toffs we can't say, "lavs" We'll have to call them, "loos". Two loos, Two loos, so you can choose To use the one for number ones And one for number twos. Toulouse, Toulouse-Lautrec, he's great, We'll have his painting on the wall. George : Get him to decorate. George/Keith : Two this Two that, two ev'rything, As happy as two pigs in muck Just like a queen and king. Young Viv : Two jokers What a pair of fools, Two hours we've sat waiting now And no man from the pools. Two rooms George/Keith : We're gonna need two rooms, Two rooms to keep the money in We're gonna need - two rooms. Viv : Two days No visit, not a call, By then we thought he'd never sent The coupon after all. Young Viv : Keith, it's two men. Two men from the pools!