Young Viv : A brand new husband, Though I'm no beginner. A brand new husband, I can sure pick a winner. First date, all charm - you can't ask for more, Next time, it's kapow! And you're on the floor. Split lip, black eye and a broken jaw, From your brand new husband. It's no wonder I went, Nearly out my head. We all dream Mr Right Is the man we'll wed. But we wake up beside Mr Shite instead. He's your brand new husband. A brand new husband We all need adoring, A brand new husband What a pity he's boring. When we're in bed me head starts to ache 'Cos love is a mess, you don't want to make. But given time you learn how to fake For your brand new husband. But it won't be too long Till you've had a think. Young Viv : There is little love lost Husband 4 : We are on the blink. Young Viv : It's another divorce Never lost a wink Lost another husband. A brand new husband Am I sounding bitter? A brand new husband You can't call me a quitter. Forget him shooting up in the loo. Forgive him his beating you black and blue, As long as he tells you. Husband 5 : I love you, I do, I really and truly do. Viv : So it's overdose time I've no luck with men. Soon the ambulance comes You're in trouble then. And they say he'll be fine Young Viv/Viv : But you mourn again. And you mourn again... And you mourn again ... Young Viv : Mourn for a brand new husband